
Monday, October 15, 2012

Pausing On My Autumn Road

For decades, I have voiced my dislike of the fall season. It seemed autumn and her riotous colors were taunting me; my rational mind knew those gaudy hues would rapidly fade, shrivel and die. I loved spring the best—the greening of hope and then the birth of new growth and the herald of new beginnings—something to look forward to.           

In the last 10 years I have begun to appreciate the colors and the vibrancy of autumn. I have noticed the sun’s oblique rays give me subtle new perspectives, and autumn’s shadows, soft and cool, often place a gauzy haze over imperfections. 


as summer's light wanes

she slips reluctantly
into autumn

gunmetal gray skies, harbinger
of dark afternoons, 
bring sadness, anxiety

it’s the letting go

of leaves and of birdsong—
all that beauty

yet each year she chooses

to adapt and becomes
even more seasoned

In truth, spring and summer are so blatant in broadcasting their talents it is sometimes overwhelming—difficult to absorb the fecundity and tiring to be in continual awe. Now, far into the autumn of my life…

…I glance at the curve to come

turn away from the final bend
choose to revel in
slanted sunlight’s glint

I pause on this autumn road 

to touch, sense and savor
sweet honest subtle changes

I bask in the warmth of orange
delight in the soft fall
of loved one’s words

Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth
find reserves of strength that will endure
as long as life lasts.
~Rachel Carson